How to Create a Mental Health-Friendly Company Culture

5 minutes reading time
Last updated:
September 16, 2024
Dr. Katharina Koch
Dr. Katharina Koch
Head of Psychology,

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Dr. Katharina Koch is a licensed clinical psychologist in cognitive behavioral therapy and holds a PhD in neuroscience and psychology. As Head of Psychology at she is responsible for quality assurance, content and our extensive network of psychologists on clinical and scientific level.

Key Take-Aways

Good company culture is all important. It may be difficult to define.

Some people call it “the personality of an organization from the employee perspective”—but most of us know what it feels like. You’re excited to go to work, you feel productive and engaged when you’re there. You probably have a good relationship with your manager and your team, and maybe you even engage with your colleagues socially as well.

It’s the kind of culture everyone wants: employees (because it makes work a pleasure), HR (because it makes it easy to attract and retain hires), and management (because it boosts performance and productivity). But how do we get it?

The single most important criteria for a strong company culture is to make it mentally healthy. A mental health-friendly company culture creates the ultimate environment for individuals and teams to thrive. It means that employees feel safe and supported, and that company issues like stress are dealt with before they build into a crisis—like burnout.

Our guest author Dr Katharina Koch, Head of Psychlogy at nilo.heath, speaks from experience. Mental health is the expertise of–– they have experienced first-hand how a healthy work culture can drive a company forward.


Here are her tips on creating a mental health-friendly company culture:

15 Tips for a Mental-Health Friendly Company Culture

1. Promote Open Communication

Encourage transparent and open conversations about mental health. Create an environment where employees can discuss their challenges without fear of judgment. By normalizing these conversations, you reduce stigma and make it easier for employees to seek help when needed.

2. Lead by Example

Company leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the culture. When leadership demonstrates a commitment to mental health, it sends a strong message throughout the organization. Leaders can share their own experiences and strategies for managing stress, showcasing vulnerability and encouraging others to do the same.

3. Provide Resources

Equip employees with resources to support their mental health journey. This could include access to therapy or counseling services, mental health workshops, and online resources. When employees know help is readily available, they're more likely to address their mental health concerns early on.

4. Flexible Work Arrangements

Recognize that a one-size-fits-all approach to work doesn't always align with diverse mental health needs. Implement flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, to accommodate employees' varying needs and promote work-life balance.

5. Training and Education

Offer training sessions on mental health awareness for all employees, especially your leadership and HR teams. This empowers staff to recognize signs of distress in themselves and their colleagues and equips them with skills to provide initial support. Training also helps to break down stereotypes and misconceptions.

Equip employees with resources to support their mental health journey and offer training sessions on mental health awareness for all employees, especially your leadership and HR teams.
Equip employees with resources to support their mental health journey and offer training sessions on mental health awareness for all employees, especially your leadership and HR teams.

6. Stress-Reduction Initiatives

Introduce stress-reduction initiatives like mindfulness sessions, yoga classes, or meditation workshops. These practices help employees manage stress and anxiety, fostering a healthier work environment.

7. Clear Performance Expectations

Ambiguity in job expectations can lead to increased stress. Ensure that employees have a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and performance metrics. Regular feedback and constructive evaluations help alleviate anxiety related to performance.

8. Encourage Breaks

Encourage regular breaks throughout the workday. Taking short breaks can help employees recharge and prevent burnout. Consider implementing strategies like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for focused intervals followed by short breaks.

9. Supportive Policies

Develop and communicate policies that support mental health, such as flexible sick leave and mental health days. Ensure that employees feel comfortable taking time off when needed without fearing negative consequences. A sick day in time saves nine!

10. Inclusive Social Activities

Organize inclusive social activities that promote bonding and reduce isolation among employees. This can include team-building exercises, group outings, and celebrations that foster a sense of belonging.

11. Design a Positive Physical Environment

The physical workspace can significantly impact mental well-being. Incorporate elements that enhance comfort, such as natural light, ergonomic furniture, and quiet spaces for reflection.

Check in regularly with your employees and make sure that managers provide 1:1s for their direct reports.
Check in regularly with your employees and make sure that managers provide 1:1s for their direct reports.

12. Recognize and Reward

Acknowledge and celebrate employee achievements, both big and small. Recognition boosts morale and contributes to a positive atmosphere, reinforcing the idea that employees' contributions are valued.

13. Anti-Discrimination Initiatives

Implement strong anti-discrimination policies that safeguard employees from harassment or discrimination based on their mental health status. Foster an environment of acceptance and inclusion.

14. Elevate Work-Life Balance

Encourage employees to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life. Discourage excessive overtime and ensure that employees can disconnect from work outside of their designated hours.

15. Regular Check-ins

Conduct regular one-on-one check-ins between managers and employees. These conversations provide opportunities for employees to discuss their well-being, address concerns, and seek guidance.

Holistic support, holistic growth

As you can see, creating a mental health-friendly company culture requires a holistic approach that involves leadership commitment, open communication, resources, and policies that prioritize employee well-being. But it’s so worth it!



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Dr. Katharina Koch
Dr. Katharina Koch
Head of Psychology,

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