Circula and Pliant begin cooperation for intelligent corporate credit cards

5 minutes reading time
Last updated:
September 5, 2024
Anna Lischke
Anna Lischke

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Christian Ehrling

"The amount of work required by employees for their expenses has been significantly reduced, from well over 30 minutes to 5 minutes per trip."

Christian Ehrling


Director Operations

Christian Ehrling

„Seit Einführung der Kreditkarten haben wir eine Zeit-, Kosten- und Arbeitsersparnis von 80 % festgestellt."

Christian Ehrling


Director Operations

Christian Ehrling

"It's our job to make administrative processes as simple as possible for our employees. With Circula's expense management solution and the Circula credit card, we have achieved this."

Christian Ehrling


Director Operations

Christian Ehrling

"In competition with the large, established providers, Circula had the most convincing approach to mapping the special requirements, including tax requirements, in Germany."

Christian Ehrling


Director Operations



Key Take-Aways

  • Pliant corporate credit card complements Circula's product range
  • Cooperation for Circula is an important step towards a holistic employee finance provider
  • Pliant customers have the option of flexible integration into the Circula ecosystem

Press release: The software-as-a-service company Circula and the corporate credit card specialist Pliant announce their partnership.

October 29, 2021, Berlin – The software-as-a-service company Circula and the corporate credit card specialist Pliant announce their partnership. Together, the two companies are developing an intelligent credit card that existing or new Circula customers can use in their companies, which also represents an ideal link between the previous Circula products for reimbursement of expenses and employee benefits. With this development, Circula aims to become a holistic employee finance provider that will bundle all financial strands between employees and employers in the future.

“The cooperation with Pliant is an important step for us in order to be able to offer our customers an ideal, complementary product range. We started making things particularly easy for employees to submit expenses and for accounting to make statements tax-compliant, automated and particularly user-friendly," says Nikolai Skatchkov, CEO and co-founder of Circula. “This year, we have expanded our product range to include corporate benefits, which employees can use to receive digital meal allowances - among other things. Now, we are going one step further and making the handling of expenses even easier and more satisfying with a smart corporate credit card that enables, among other things, cashback on expenses.”

The new company credit card for Circula is a credit card with a real credit line. Invoicing takes place in real time, so expenses can be transferred directly to financial accounting. Bookkeeping is done within seconds. Other advantages of the company loans include a cashback of up to 1.0% on all expenses, attractive exchange rates, flexible digital card management for all employees, seamless integration into Circula workflows, and fully income tax-compliant processing of general and travel expenses. The product is already available in a test phase.

Existing and future customers with Pliant also benefit from the cooperation through the possibility of flexible integration of the Circula product range: "At Pliant, we rely on partnerships with best-in-class providers, while our focus remains on the company card solution and seamless integration. Circula is the ideal partner for us and our customers when it comes to employee expenses, travel expenses, and benefits,” says Malte Rau, CEO and co-founder of Pliant.

With the expansion of this product range, Circula aims to further increase its already strong financial growth. The company currently has 800 customers.

About Circula:

Circula is a B2B software-as-a-service company based in Berlin that offers companies a holistic employee finance App. This includes fully digital accounting of employee expenses, digital employee benefits, and an intelligent company credit card. Circula software is compliant with European tax standards. Circula was founded by Nikolai Skatchkov and Roman Leicht in 2017. Overall, the company was able to collect several million euros in debt capital from investors such as Capnamic Ventures, Main Inkubator, Wenvest, Finparx, and HW Capital. Circula's 800 customers (as of October 2021) include Ebner Stolz, BDI, McMakler, and Orthomol.

Contact person for press matters:

Philip Blankenagel


About Pliant:

Pliant offers its customers a flexible digital corporate credit card solution that, in addition to having fully digital card management and attractive cashback deals, relies in particular on seamless integration into existing processes and best-in-class solutions. The company was founded in Berlin in 2020 by fintech veterans Malte Rau and Fabian Terner and recently announced a $6.5m seed round.


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Anna Lischke
Anna Lischke

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